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Welcome to the People and Projects Podcast where you'll find interviews and insights on how to deliver projects and lead teams!

Jun 22, 2019

We are surrounded by people who are discouraged. In this under 3-minute video, I share a lesson I learned recently about encouragement and discouragement.

Let Me Hear From You!

I'd love to hear from you! What do you think about this idea? What's an example of how you try to encourage people?

Let's connect on LinkedIn...

Jun 12, 2019

Check out LiquidPlanner


This episode of The People and Projects Podcast is sponsored by LiquidPlanner. LiquidPlanner gives teams a better way to plan and execute work. What most impresses me about LiquidPlanner is its predictive, resource-based scheduling technology. It accounts for priorities, resources, and...

Jun 6, 2019

"You're not thinking far enough down the road." One of the best bosses I ever hated to work used to say that me and my peers. A lot. And the boss was right. Which is why they were one of my best bosses!

We're too easily focused on the short-term at the cost of the long-term. In this 2.5 minute video, I share a lesson I...