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Welcome to the People and Projects Podcast where you'll find interviews and insights on how to deliver projects and lead teams!

May 22, 2017

Have a Mentor--Common Wisdom Right?

Talk to enough highly successful leaders and project managers and eventually you'll hear them mention the value that one or more mentors have provided over their career. It's obvious, right? Common wisdom, for sure. But why isn't it common practice?

Ken Blanchard is one of my all-time...

May 16, 2017

Do You Know Where Your Phone Is?

Most leaders these days know the answer to that question. Of course we know where our mobile devices are! And if we didn't, we might be at risk of nomophobia! But the reason this question is easy is that too often, the device is in front of our face! And our addiction to tech is having a...

May 4, 2017

What I Learned This Week

We continue our series of short videos talking about an idea or observation that was learned this week. This week we discuss why someone telling you to "Get Lost!" might just be good advice!

During this episode, I mention the following interviews: