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Welcome to the People and Projects Podcast where you'll find interviews and insights on how to deliver projects and lead teams!

Apr 18, 2022

Rehumanizing the Workplace

A couple of years after COVID first hit, I can think of so many examples of how we’re becoming less human at work. It’s not just due to automation or outsourcing or remote work. Whether it’s because of social media, political polarization, or a host of other factors, I feel like there’s increasing pressure to not speak up. To not be yourself. To blend in. To not rock the boat. In a way, to be less human.

I’m excited to introduce you to Dr. Rosie Ward, co-author of a book entitled ReHumanizing the Workplace. In this episode, Rosie talks about how the disruptions we’re experiencing today don’t just go away once COVID is a distant memory. She talks about authenticity and why it’s critically important to humanizing the workplace, yet why it’s a struggle for us. It’s a conversation I’m looking forward to sharing with you.

Learn more about Dr. Rosie Ward and her book at


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