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Welcome to the People and Projects Podcast where you'll find interviews and insights on how to deliver projects and lead teams!

Sep 15, 2021

Managing Projects and Teams

One of my favorite voices in the world of leading and delivering is Johanna Rothman. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Johanna for a couple of decades now and throughout that time she’s been a clear voice in how I think about managing teams and projects. And her writing, coaching, and consulting have helped project teams around the world.

In this episode, she joins us to talk about her new book series entitled Modern Management Made Easy. It’s a series of 3 books that address some pervasive myths about management.

Learn more about Johanna and her book series at

Additional Resources

In this episode, I refer to these other interviews that you might find helpful:

  • My discussion with Johanna in episode 207 about her book Create Your Successful Agile Journey
  • My discussion with Annie Murphy Paul in episode 335 about her book The Extended Mind

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Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

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